Annual gold questionnaire 2024

AGQ 2024 Contributors

Alexandra Bradshaw BPharm (Hons), MPS

Affiliate Associate Professor Juanita Breen PhD, MSc, BPharm, MPS, GradDipCommPracPharm

Caitlin Davies BPharm, AACPA, MPS

Han-Fang Hsiao-Telford BPharm (Hons), BPharmSci, MPS

Lily Pham BPharm, MPhil, GradCertEdStud (Higher Ed), FHEA, MPS, MSHP

Alyssa Pisano BPharm (Hons)

Karla Wright BPharm (Hons), AACPA, GradDipClinPharm, MACP JP(Qual), MPS

Suggested References

To answer these questions, you may need to refer to the following references:


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© Pharmaceutical Society of Australia 2024
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