Victorian pharmacists get broader scope for vaccinations

The combined measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine will soon be available from community pharmacies across Victoria, under a new State Government initiative. In last week’s announcement, Victorian...

Report highlights need for improved medicine management

A new report investigating polypharmacy among older Australians emphasises the need for greater pharmacist involvement in medicine management. The report, led by the University of Western...

Don’t discount ketoacidosis in euglycaemia

Adapted by Ann Winkle MPS. Regulatory bodies are warning of the potential for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) as a serious complication of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2)...

COVID-19 rollout strategy recalibrated

Pfizer is now the COVID-19 vaccine of choice for some at-risk patients and those under 50 years of age in priority groups.

From the President: Accredited pharmacists will always have a home at...

The PSA has committed to offering all pharmacists accreditation opportunities through its new Accreditation Credentialling Program, along with career-long support for pharmacists, from pharmacists.

Choosing wisely: an insight into polypharmacy

In the second of a six-part series, we expand on the PSA Choosing Wisely recommendations, taking a closer look at polypharmacy. The PSA’s Choosing Wisely...