PBS offering could provide relief from severe asthma

A medication that promises to alleviate symptoms of severe asthma is now listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) under Section 100, giving patients...

Discouraging medicine sharing

Promoting the safe use of medicines within multicultural communities is the main focus of New South Wales Multicultural Health Week, from 7 to 11 September.

Early elixirs: Amphetamine

From wonder drug to scourge. The synthesis of amphetamine has had a profound effect on society as well as attitudes towards drugs. From its use...

Destigmatising contraception

By encouraging open communication and breaking down barriers, pharmacists can help empower women when it comes to their sexual and reproductive health.

Margaret Sneddon Bickle AO FPS is a role model for women...

Margaret Sneddon Bickle AO FPS has been a role model for women in pharmacy since she joined PSA 70 years ago. Now 90, she remains a registered, non-practising pharmacist, because ‘it’s still important’.

COVID-19 vaccinations: community pharmacists ready and waiting

While vaccine availability is increasing across the country, acceptance is waning among certain groups.