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An expert weighs in on the legitimacy of ADHD diagnoses and where pharmacists fit into the equation.
Oxycodone is the most prescribed strong opioid in Australia. Yet little was known about its use and prescribing patterns – until now.
Despite being declared ‘measles free’ since 2014, more than 28 cases of measles have been recorded in Australia this year.
No longer the profession which ‘didn't touch people’, pharmacists are now one of Australia's leading vaccinators.
With a new medicine available for endometriosis, here's how pharmacists can screen for the ‘missed disease’ and discuss appropriate options.
The Easter long weekend is a busy time of year for pharmacists. But 2024 could be the busiest yet, as a major policy change is set to occur.
With additional vaping restrictions rolling out throughout 2024, more patients will likely seek therapeutic vaping products.
Thank Your Pharmacist Day (21 March 2024) allows all pharmacists to celebrate the profession with patients and colleagues alike.
From 1 November 2023, millions of Australians at risk of severe complications from shingles can receive a Shingrix vaccine under the NIP.
Far from being a sign of disrespect, displaying Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander symbols is a sign of allyship.