Changes to AIR information

References 1. Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. Mandatory reporting changes to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) from 1 March 2024. 2024. At:...

Exploring hazardous medicine handling and compounding

References Connor TH, MacKenzie BA, DeBord DG, et al. NIOSH list of antineoplastic and other hazardous drugs in healthcare settings. Cincinnati, OH. U.S. Department...

Summer of fun?

How pharmacists can support women with gestational diabetes

How pharmacists can use their pharmacotherapy medication management expertise to support women with gestational diabetes.

Compounding complexities

References Therapeutic Goods Administration. Medicine shortage reports database. 2024. At: Weekes L, Razman I. Prescription of compounded ophthalmic medications – a pharmacy perspective....

Credentialed in the country

Natasha Downing is a credentialed pharmacist who loves volunteering, kicking a football with her family, and playing with their dog Rosie.