7 things pharmacists need to know about off-label baclofen use

With fresh concerns around off-label prescribing of baclofen, how can pharmacies ensure it is used safely and effectively?

Alkyl nitrites: What are they, and why have they been rescheduled?

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has reviewed their proposal to upschedule all alkyl nitrites to Schedule 9 (S9), but pharmacists will need to ensure...

COVID-19 and influenza vaccinations: tips for community pharmacists

The COVID-19 pandemic makes it more important than ever for Australians to access influenza vaccinations and pharmacist immunisers are ready to help protect the community.

Supplying medication to a third party

Key considerations and a recommended course of action when a pharmacist is asked to supply medication to a third party. Scenario: A 20-year-old man approaches a...

Full continued dispensing returns in Tasmania, plus other big announcements

Continued dispensing arrangements have expanded in Tasmania, while travel vaccines and a UTI pilot were announced in the ACT.

Green light for medicinal cannabis

  The legalisation and supply of medicinal cannabis in Australia and elsewhere is making rapid strides despite a relative lack of evidence for its benefits....