Practical ways to support people with disability

Despite their healthcare needs, people with disability often report feeling shut out by the system that is meant to assist them.

The neurosciences specialist

Finding his niche in neuroscience, the Alfred Hospital’s Julian Ellis MPS, is championing brain-related disease management in all facets of pharmacy. How did you wind...

Kiama becomes Australia’s first branded Health Destination 

Kiama – on the NSW South Coast – has welcomed Australia’s first fully-branded Health Destination Pharmacy. Servicing a population of around 22,000 people, the Kiama...

Pioneering pharmacists

Megan Tremlett MPS and Sue Carson MPS are two pharmacists forging new roles outside the norm in pharmacy. At PSA Queensland’s Annual Therapeutic Update this...

The pharmacists who went above and beyond in 2020

Three pharmacists have been honoured at PSA’s inaugural ACT Excellence Awards for their service to the community during a difficult year.

Rural patients to receive COVID-19 vaccine in pharmacies

Almost 60 community pharmacies in Queensland's rural and regional areas have been approved to administer COVID-19 vaccines within weeks.